The Foss Foundation
Feb 14, 2022
The Foss Foundation is direct and exclusively represents the principal owner of a Tier 1 trading desk headquartered in London UK.The trading desk principal with 30+ years of management experience at a Top 3 world bank along with 2 other former Euro bankers operate this desk with their platform. This team is extremely successful these past 10 years and have a sterling reputation in the industry. Transparency is their trademark and seek to exhibit the same from potential participants. Access to the “the” principals in this arena is rare, however, due to the relationship with this principal he has extended this opportunity to clients we bring forward based on the minimum requirement of information from potential participant.
Platform overview:
- Secure and private,
- Client funds never leave his⁓her control or account during the contract period,
- Returns extremely lucrative,
- Highly regulated by global regulatory agencies for strict adherence to rules⁓regulations,
- Funds move only if Client wishes to move their funds transferred to an account inside the transactional bank under their own name in order to monitor growth daily from office or home
- Payments can be made to any account upon direction of the Client,
· Returns have nothing to do with outside market conditions of the open market, and, most important;
- Prospective Clients are invited to participate based on co-operation and understanding of the transactions which can be personal or corporate and capability.
- At time of P-to-P call platform principal will explain in detail how returns are to be generated ie;
- Funds are put under Administrative Hold in Clients own account during contract term,
- Platform will offer the Client a “internal enhancement” normally called “bullet option” which means enhanced returns during certain times of contract ,Client choice,
- Returns have nothing to do with outside market conditions of the open market,
- Transaction currency is Euro (€). 2 Billion € or more to enter large cap program or no lower than 100 Million €. or USD equivalent for the small cap program,,both can be personal or corporate.
- Bank instruments as bank guarantees, SBLC’s, MTN’s can be monetized through the platform with funds blocked in the Client account for use in the program.
We offer direct access to the platform owner to discuss details and evaluating Clients objectives such as project financing, arrangement of a family legacy, foundation execution, wealth building, etc. of which the contract can be specifically designed to fit Client goals and objectives.
This access is possible once minimum paperwork is received to include CIS and recent bank statement. Once DD is accomplished a P-to-P call is arranged ASAP. Client legal counsel is encouraged to participate, and, Intermediaries are protected.
It should be noted numerous options are available such as certain transactions qualify for tax treaty; these are available certain times of the year,,not always available.
In addition to the above,
- Movement of “off-ledger” funds to bring back to “on-ledger” funds is now in effect,
- Not a complex procedure,
Recap of important points offered to participants:
- Best returns on contracts,
- Direct contact to platform owner,
- Easy procedure to qualify,
- Contracts designed to Client objectives and goals
- “off-ledger” to “on-ledger” capable.
Once Client has time to realize what is being offered we would like to have a response to discuss any questions and procedures necessary to qualify for an invitation to participate. I will follow-up on this communication with a phone call a few days after you make contact with us and request detailed information.
Name: Eric Foss
Email: wallstreetla@aol.com
Phone: (310) 418-5023
Designation: Personnel Relations Administrator
Publish Date: 2021-12-08
CompanyName: U.S. Dept. of Labor
IMPORTANT NOTICE: This is an unofficial response to your request for information and/or a private, proprietary and confidential communication and is for information purposes only. This is not intended to be, and must not be construed to be in any form or manner a solicitation of investment funds or a securities offering. This e-mail is confidential and is legally privileged. Nothing in this message should be interpreted as a digital or electronic signature that can be used to authenticate a contract or other legal document. This electronic communication and any files included in the communication may contain confidential information that is for the intended recipient only. If you are the recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of any of the information contained in, or attached to, this transmission is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If you have received this in error, please immediately notify us by return e-mail, fax and/or telephone and destroy this mail.
About Eric Foss
Direct Representative for several major banks .President and CEO of The Foss Foundation secured and regulated private placements direct access to principals DIRECT INQUIRIES TO FOUNDATIONHQ@PROTONMAIL.COM

Name: Eric Foss
Phone: (310) 418-5023
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Eric FossThe Foss Foundation
The Foss Foundation